Design and Animation: Ya-Chi Yang
V.O. : Michele Smith

I was reached out by the retail banking group to create this animated video series introducing 
different digital transfer options (internal, external, online wire transfers) from Zions Bank. 
I did the research on what are the color schemes for the digital platforms 
in order to incorporate them into the design.
How does the transfer system work? In order to create the videos I need to understand how does the transfer system work within different platforms. 

I did the research and studied each of the transfer platforms including mobile transfer, external transfer, and internal transfer.


I was provided with the scripts for 5 videos. I then created the concept art, character design, 
and storyboard based on the scripts. 
Character Design

I want this video series to have a modern and clean look. I decided to use flat design as the design concept.

The videos are utilized at the Zions Bank digital banking web pages, Youtube channel, and other 
social media platforms. The video series has average 600 views on the Youtube channel. 

The External Transfer video has generated over 1300 views.

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