Animation and Design: Ya-Chi Yang
Software: Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop, Media Encoder
Zions Bank is launching its new digital banking applications including the website, tablet, and app version. I was approached by the product team to create a commercial promoting the new design and new features. 
Target Audience
Zions Bank Clients, General Public

Why making this video?
Zions Bank is launching a new digital banking applications with new design and new features. 

The Process
I was assigned to this project to not only promote the release but also showcase the new features. 
I design this video with a clean and modern look by using a lot of white space and simple color schemes. 

The video is reproduced for Zions Bancorporation's 6 other affiliates. The video was promoted on Zions Bank's website, social media platforms, and was used for various meetings and presentations. 

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