Official Selection:
2018 Mammoth Lakes Film Festival
2018 Female Eye Film Festival
2018 Five Wives Film Festival
2018 Taichung International Animation Festival

All the things I can remember is an animated-documentary examines the mental state of a person who has Alzheimer’s. Lee has been taking care of her mother-in-law, who was diagnosed with middle-stage Alzheimer’s in 2007. With the interviews of Lee, the film shows how the disease affects the patient and the family.

所有我能記得的事 是部以動畫形式呈現的紀錄短片, 此片藉由藝術的手法探討導演患有阿茲海默症的阿嬤的心理狀態. 李金鋒是患者楊林氣的媳婦, 從2007年她的婆婆被診斷患有阿茲海默症到現在, 已經照顧她有10多年的時間. 此片經由李金鋒的訪問角度來探討阿茲海默如何影響患者的生理, 心理狀態, 以及它對照顧者家人的影響. 此片貢獻給所有患有阿茲海默疾病的患者以及被它所衝擊的所有人.
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